Residential Roofing Contractor

Residential Roofing Contractor

Serving All of Texas

Your Trusted Residential Roofing Contractor in Dallas, TX

At Vensure Group, we go beyond roofs and shingles to safeguard the heart of your home. We are a trusted roofing contractor in Dallas, TX. We know that a strong and dependable roof is important for your family's comfort and safety.

The Vensure Group Advantage

Our experienced team has the skills and expertise to meet all your roofing needs with precision and professionalism. Whether it's a minor repair or a complete overhaul, we've got you covered Living and working in Dallas means we know the unique demands the Texas climate places on roofs. We build our solutions to last and tailor them to withstand the diverse weather conditions of the region.

Quality matters. We source only the finest materials for our roofing projects, ensuring your investment stands strong against time and nature. We believe in keeping you informed every step of the way. From the first consultation to the final nail, transparency is the cornerstone of our client relationships.

Your Roof, Your Style

Roof Inspection & Assessment

Trust our experts to thoroughly assess your roof, find problems, and provide personalized suggestions that meet your requirements.



Our team quickly and effectively repairs small leaks or storm damage to your roof, minimizing any disruptions and giving you peace of mind.

Seamless Replacement

When it's time for a new roof, choose from a variety of materials and styles. Our team guides you through the selection process, ensuring a roof that complements your aesthetic.



Building a new home? Work with our experienced roofers to install a roof that offers both superior protection, while also making a statement for your aesthetic!

Superior Material and Workmanship Warranties

Vensure Group is the leading GAF Master Elite roofing contractor offering a wide range of roofing styles and types. We install both low and steep slope roofs using a number of different materials, including asphalt shingles, slate, tile, and metal. No matter how big or small your home is, or how challenging your roofing needs, we have the premium quality materials and highly skilled personnel necessary to design and install a roof that will provide peace of mind and lasting protection. All new roof installs come with GAF’s Golden Pledge warranty. This warranty is provided by GAF that covers 25-years of workmanship and 50-years of materials non-prorated. All roof shingle repairs by Vensure Group come with a lifetime workmanship warranty.

A long-lasting roof is essential to a stress-free living environment. Your roof is the last thing you want to worry about when owning a home comes with so many other responsibilities. With the experts from Vensure Group on the job, you’ll know your roof is in good hands, and will deliver many years of service and value.

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